Kişisel bilgi tabanı oldukça yeni bir kavram. İlk kez 2011 yılında Stephen Davies tarafından "Still Building Memex" adlı makalesinde tanıtıldı (1).
"We define a Personal Knowledge Base—or PKB—as an electronic tool through which an individual can express, capture, and later retrieve the personal knowledge he or she has acquired. Our definition has three components:
Personal: Like Bush’s memex, a PKB is intended for private use, and its contents are custom tailored to the individual. It contains trends, relationships, categories, and personal observations that its owner sees but which no one else may agree with. Many of the issues involved in PKB design are also relevant in collaborative settings, as when a homogeneous group of people is jointly building a shared knowledge base. In this case, the knowledge base could simply reflect the consensus view of all contributors; or, perhaps better, it could simultaneously store and present alternate views of its contents, so as to honor several participants who may organize it or view it differently. This can introduce another level of complexity.
Knowledge: A PKB primarily contains knowledge, not information. That is, its purpose is not simply to aggregate all the information sources one has seen, but to preserve the select knowledge that one has learned from those sources. Psychologically, knowledge is the formation of a mental model in one’s own mind that corresponds to the information encountered.
Base: A PKB preserves knowledge for the long haul. It is ideally futureproof: immune to shifts in technology and to disaster. It can be fluidly searched and browsed. It also forms a consolidated, integrated whole, without partitions that might isolate some areas of knowledge from others. This is because it is a reflection of one’s own memory, which, as Bush and many others have observed, can freely associate any two thoughts together, without restriction." (Davies, 2011:81-82)
Son dönemdeki çalışmalarımda (2), (3) yaşam günlüğü cihazları ile kaydedilen günlük bilgisinin yorumlanması, betimlenmesi ve ardından kişisel bilgi yönetimi listeleri halinde özetlenmesi sonucunda elde edilen veritabanının Davies'in kişisel bilgi tabanı kavramıyla daha anlaşılır ve geliştirilebilir olduğunu düşünüyorum. Önümüzdeki günlerde Kişisel Bilgi Tabanlarıyla ile ilgili ayrıntılı bir yayın yapmayı planlıyorum.
(1) Davies, S. "Still Building the Memex." Communications of the ACM, vol. 53, issue 2, pp.80-88, Feb. 2011.
(2) Mutlu, M.E. (2013a), "Öğrenmenin Üç Boyutu ve Öğrenme Deneyimlerinin Oluşması", 22. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kurultayı EBK2013, 5-7 Eylül 2013, Eskişehir.
(3) Mutlu, M.E. (2013b), "Genişletilmiş İnformel Öğrenme Modeli ve Öğrenme Deneyimlerinin Yönetimi için Bir Yöntem", 22. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kurultayı EBK2013, 5-7 Eylül 2013, Eskişehir.